20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

Agendas & Minutes

Listed below are agendas and minutes from May 2022 onwards of Full Council, Council Committees and Sub-Committees . All other associated meeting documents can be found by visiting the relevant meeting date on our Council Meetings Calendar,

Agendas and minutes from earlier meetings can be found by searching in our document management system (DMS) where you can set the filter to select documents of interest.

Full Council

Agendas (Full Council)

Minutes (Full Council)

Community Committee

Agendas (Community Committee)

Minutes (Community Committee)

Economy Committee

Agendas (Economy Committee)

Minutes (Economy Committee)

Environment Committee

Agendas (Environment Committee)

Minutes (Environment Committee)

Planning Committee

Agendas (Planning Committee)

Minutes (Planning Committee)

Governance Committee

Agendas (Governance Committee)

Minutes (Governance Committee)

Staffing sub-committee

Agendas (Staffing Sub-committee)

Minutes (Staffing Sub-committee)

Last updated: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 11:50