20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

Dave Reed

Dave Reed

Co-opted December 2019 - West Ward

I am Dave Reed, a native of Luton in Bedfordshire.

I moved to Yorkshire in 1969 and was lucky enough to find and enjoy temporary lodgings with some very kind residents of Baildon.

The village immediately made an impression upon me with its warm and welcoming hospitality

It's close proximity to open moorland and townships, allowed me to enjoy the best of both worlds.

I resolved to one day live in this area and in fact took up full time residence here with my wife and family in 1985.

All my working life was with the police service starting with Bradford City Police as a uniformed officer, then as a detective officer with West Yorkshire Police and was instrumental in formation and operation of Bradford Criminal Justice Support Unit.

On completion of my pensionable service as a police officer, I was appointed to a civilian post as Manager of the Bradford and Keighley area Police Station Helpdesks, leading and training a team of 40 civilian employees in face to face and telephone communications.

I have recently resigned as Chair to Trustees of Baildon Community Link, a voluntary position I enjoyed for a 10year period and now seek to serve the wider community of Baildon through appointment as a Town Councillor.

The strap line of Baildon Community Link is 'Bringing People Together' which will surely continue to be a top priority of mine and the Town Council, addressing issues of loneliness and isolation across the whole Community of Baildon.

I currently pursue this ideal by supporting a fellow councillor to expand and deliver BD17 Neighbourhood Watch.

Community and Customer service has been my whole life to date and long may it continue.

07738 858297

Last updated: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:21