20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

Displaying 1 to 30 of 202

BTC Crime and Disorder Statement 2024

Skylark Grants Application Form 2024

Community Committee Agenda

Agenda Community Committee June 10th 2024

Community Committee Reserves June 2024

Community Committee budget June 2024

Community Hubs Application Form proposed revisions

Wesley's Hub activities listings June 2024

Wesley's Hub Report June 2024

Skylark Applications - Proposal for revised form

St James's Parish Nursing Report June 2024

Community Link Hub Report June 2024

St James's Hub Report covering 2023

St James's Hub Report June 2024

St Hugh's Hub report June 2024

Youth Club Baildon Community Link - Report June 2024

Minutes of Community Committee 15th February 2024

Terms of Reference Community Committee 2024

Road Closure Signage Report

Developing Volunteering in Baildon Report

Wesleys Hub Report February 2024

Baildon Community Link Hub Report February 2024

Community Committee Budget Monitor February 2024

Community Committee Agenda February 2024

Community Minutes October 2023

Imagination Library Report

Community 23/24 budget monitor

Draft Community Agenda 19th October 2023

Community Minutes June 2023