20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

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Full Council Comments on McCarthy Stone application

McCarthy Stone Baildon Leaflet

Demolition of Ian Cough Hall - Comments for Consideration November 2022

Demolition of Ian Clough Hall Comments for Consideration November 2022

BTC Approved Vision Statement Feb 2022

The agenda for the meeting of the ICH Sub Committee meeting on the 12th of July 2021.

The agenda for the next meeting of the ICH Building & Re-Development Sub-Committee meeting on the 30th of June 2021.

Correspondence received from Chris Flecknoe on behalf of Wesleys 4th of January 2021

The Partnership agreement between Baildon Town Council and Bradford Council re the ICH re-development.

The agenda of the Ian Clough Hall Redevelopment Sub Committee meeting.

The minutes of the ICH Steering Group meeting of the 4th of September 2019.

The agenda of the ICH Redevelopment Sub-Committee meeting to be held on Wednesday the 4th of December 2019.


Cleaning spec from BDMC for ICH June 2018


ICH fire risk assessment Aug 2018


ICH Emergency lighting periodic inspection certificate 2018


Fire alarm inspection certificate for ICH

The Clerks report on Ian Clough Hall progress for the Economy and Governance Committees, June 2018.

A report by Cllr Peter Ashton and the Town Clerk re Ian Clough Hall, for discussion at the Full Council meeting on Monday the 12th of March 2018.

UPDATE This document has now been withdrawn by BDMC and will no longer be submitted at the Full Council meeting on 12/03/18

The proposed partnership agreement between BDMC and BTC re Ian Clough Hall.

The draft Heads of terms letter from Nigel Gillatt re Ian Clough Hall.