20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

Displaying 1 to 30 of 62

Draft Minutes Staffing Sub Committee 8th July 2024

Agenda Staffing Sub Committee 8th July 2024

Minutes of Staffing Sub Committee 5th February 2024

Staffing Sub Committee Terms of Reference

Draft Minutes of Staffing Sub Committee 5th February 2024

Draft Minutes Staffing Sub Committee February 2024

Minutes Staffing Sub Committee April 2023

Minutes Staffing Sub Committee November 2022

Staffing Sub Committee minutes December 2022

Terms of Reference Staffing Sub Committee 2024

Agenda Staffing Sub Committee 5th February 2024

Draft minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee 11th September 2023

Equal Opportunities Policy Revision Draft

Agenda Extraordinary meeting of the Staffing Sub Committee 11th Sept 23

DRAFT minutes of staffing sub committee 26th July 23

Minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee 12th January 2023 - redacted for confidential information

Minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee 2nd November 2022 - redacted for confidential information

Minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee 1st August 2022 - redacted for confidential information

Minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee 25th May 2022

Minutes of Staffing Sub Committee 27th June 2022

Minutes 17th April Staffing Sub Committee redacted

Agenda Staffing Sub Committee 26th July 2023

Minutes, redacted confidential information for publication, Staffing Sub Committee 17th April 2023

Staffing Agenda 17th April 2023

Staffing Sub-Committee Agenda February 20th 2023

Draft Minutes Staffing Committee 12012023

Staffing Committee Extra ordinary meeting agenda

Staffing committee agenda 12-01-2023

Staffing Committee Agenda 6th December 2022

Agenda Staffing Sub committee 2nd Nov 2022