20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

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BTC Risk Assessment 2024

Risk Register June 24

Tue, 18 Jun 2024

Risk Register June 24

Draft Method Statement - Banners

Baildon Town Council Risk Management Policy

Risk Assessment Remembrance Sunday Baildon 2023

The risk assessment table to be used with the Risk Assessment policy 2017.

The Risk Register for 2016 - 2017.

The approved Risk register for 2019 -2020.

Risk register 2021- 22

Wed, 7 Apr 2021

For the Governance Committee 12th April 2021.

DSE workstation risk assessment form provided by Ellis Whittam.

Home Working risk assessment pro-forma provided by Ellis Whittam.

The 2018 - 19 Risk Register for the Governance Committee meeting 15th April 2019.

The approved minutes of the Community Safety Steering Group meeting of the 27th of June 2017.

The agenda of the Community Safety Steering Group.

The approved minutes of the Steering Group meeting held on the 12th of December 2017.

The agenda of the Community Safety Steering Group meeting, to be held on the 12th of December 2017.

The approved minutes of the Community Safety Steering Group, as approved at the meeting of the group on the 12th of December 2017.

The agenda of the Community Safety Steering Group to be held on The 10th of October 2017.


ICH fire risk assessment Aug 2018


ICH Emergency lighting periodic inspection certificate 2018


Fire alarm inspection certificate for ICH