20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon

New boundaries for Baildon ward (of Bradford Council) proposed!

New boundaries for Baildon ward (of Bradford Council) proposed!

Baildon Town Council's Response to the Local Government Boundary Commission proposals has been accepted.

For the last 12 months the Boundary Commission has been consulting on proposals to alter the Ward boundaries in Bradford to make representation fairer and better reflect community identity.

The proposal, published at the end of 2023, was to create a new Baildon and Eldwick ward. Baildon Town Council and Eldwick Village Society among others were strongly opposed to this proposal. (you can read BTC response if you click here )

Baildon Town Council councillors worked in some detail on making alternative proposals to the Boundary Commission, which had to include proposals for other areas to meet the strict criteria for such boundary reviews.

We are delighted to say that Baildon Town Council's comments have been heard and for the most part, accepted.

Now, the Baildon Ward boundary is proposed to include Polling District 22, which includes the Coach Road area, (currently in Shipley Ward). This then aligns the boundary of Baildon Ward with that of Baildon Town Council, which makes so much more sense for delivery of services and community cohesion. The river becomes the boundary for both at the southern side.

Councillor Gill Dixon comments:

'Thanks must be given to Councillor Richard Knowles, who joined BTC having previously served as a District and parish/town councillor in the North West and had direct experience of such reviews elsewhere, Together with our in depth knowledge of our community, this enabled a strong and coherent counter-proposal to be submitted to the Boundary Commission. We are pleased the Boundary Commission has agreed with us that this is a stronger proposal than their original one, and we hope that the forthcoming consultation will also be in support'.

The Local Government Boundary Commission wants to hear what residents and local organisations think about these new proposals. A final 6-week consultation on the proposals will run until 19 August 2024.

For all the details and to have your say here: Bradford | LGBCE

A full set of final recommendations for Bradford council will be published in October 2024. 

9th July 2024 HT

Posted: Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Tags: Baildon, Bradford Council, boundary