20th September 2024

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Serving the people of Baildon

Baildon and Esholt Neighbourhood Watch Awards Nomination!

Baildon and Esholt Neighbourhood Watch is shortlisted for National Award

Baildon and Esholt Neighbourhood Watch has been shortlisted for the Neighbourhood Watch Network Volunteer Recognition Awards. Although they didn't win the shortlist was just 10 out of 400 nominees – so we are all delighted that the work of the Neighbourhood Watch, supported by Baildon Town Council, has been recognised in this way.

One of the Award judges commented: 'as a shortlisted nominee you can be extremely proud of your achievement. You have given your time, energy and commitment to help others and make a difference to people's lives'.

Baildon Town Councillor, Cllr Town commented; 'I'm very proud of the team and what they have all achieved in Baildon to make it a safer place'.

Baildon Neighbourhood Watch has 185 volunteers – known as street co-ordinators who work tirelessly for the safety of the area. Thank you!

Posted: Thu, 22 Aug 2024

Tags: Community Committee