20th September 2024

Search Baildon Town Council

Serving the people of Baildon


If you are planning any type of building project please refer to the Bradford Council website www.bradford.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control, where you will find clear and comprehensive advice.

Bradford Council (known as the 'Local Planning Authority') is responsible for all Planning and Building Regulations in our area and you should submit your application to them if you wish to undertake any work.

Baildon Town Council is a formal consultee in the planning process. This means that Baildon Town Council has the right to comment on any planning application in Baildon, as we know the area well. The comments will be taken into account by the Planning Officers in Bradford where the final decision will be taken. We do not make the final decision - that is for Bradford Council.

Baildon Town Council comments on planning applications either through the Clerk or as part of its normal cycle of meetings, which are published on our Meetings Calendar.

The current list of applications under our consideration are:


Subdivision of maisonette flat to two flats, including new rear first floor window.

13A Westgate Baildon West Yorkshire BD17 5EH

If you want to comment then we recommend you do so through Bradford Council's Planning Portal here; Planning Application Comments

If you have any questions regarding planning, please contact our Admin Officer.

Last updated: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 12:32